Bribery is the act of giving or accepting something with the understanding that it will influence a process that ought to be performed impartially and in good faith. It does not have to involve cash or an actual payment exchanging hands, and can take many forms such as a gift, lavish treatment during a business trip or tickets to an event. Acts of bribery can also be committed via a third party or family member.
We care about doing business in a sustainable and ethical way. We expect the same from our Employees, our Clients, and our Experts. If we have proof or reasonable suspicion of a person or a business being involved in bribery or corruption, we will not work with them.
This is a global, company-wide policy, applied without limit to all our projects and working locations. It has been established by our founders. Each employee is made aware of this policy upon joining us and encouraged to seek advice and/or further training if they feel it would help them.
Our working environment is committed to being supportive of any employee who wishes to report or raise concerns in this area should they arise. As such, this policy will be subject to frequent review and unscheduled audit.