Our client, a multinational energy company, wanted to explore the opportunity that applying Algorithmic Trading could present and how they could best apply it for their possible future endeavours.
The Pangea SI team sourced several Experts within a 48-hour time-frame from when a project brief was sent.
The client was keen to speak to those who:
- Had built components that link algotrading to a market.
- Familiar with how systems work and integrate.
- Had experience from industry sectors where algorithmic trading is prevalent.
The Experts included:
• A Solution Architect of Physical Trading - a Lead Trading Technology professional and Architect with 10+ years’ experience working in global financial services in Europe and Asia. Experts’ focuses on Intraday and Day-Ahead markets as well as cloud architecture and algo-trading.
• Director of Algorithmic Trading at a trading firm - Trading Technology professional and Architect with 10+ years’ experience working in Algorithmic Trading and has an overall 25+ year career within software engineering/development. Previously held the position of Chief Architect where they were responsible for developing quantitative high-frequency trading (HFT) system infrastructure and strategies.
The Experts were able to discuss:
- What the client could do as a target architecture.
- What it takes to build a risk layer.
- How long would a project like this take and how much money would be required.
- How would one product could be linked to another layer.
Clear Vision and Strategy: The client was able to greatly enhance their target system architecture, allowing them to move from their early stage benchmarking towards the next steps that would be fundamental in the success of their project.