Innovation is an essential part of the continued growth of companies and projects. Having an expert network at your disposal to take advantage of would prove to best inform any business case, especially in a world that is increasingly demanding change.
About the Episode: This episode of the PSI Podcast focuses on innovation and the use of expert networks. David Van Hek is joined by our esteemed guest: Louis Strydom – together they discuss tips around using expert networks, common mistakes, best methods and his own experience in using them when innovating as a part of his role as the Director: Growth & Development – Wärtsilä.About the Pangea SI Expert: Louis has a career plentiful in project development, high-risk investment and innovation initiatives in a range of industries on a global level. He is now a Director of Growth & Development for Wärtsilä, the global leader in technology and lifecycle solutions for marine and energy markets.“The only constant is change, right? So you can never eliminate uncertainty. What you can have is a good strategy for dealing with uncertainty and welcoming the uncertainty as it comes in and adjusting and adapting your business to that.”
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