The power of quantum computing allows us to explore and find solutions at an unrivalled level of accuracy and speed. Whilst the subject itself may prove challenging to understand, the quantum systems and technologies currently available show us how complex business problems could be solved across a multitude of industry verticals.
Industry leader, Mark Mattingley-Scott, IBM Quantum Ambassador Leader EMEA & AP, discussed:
• Understanding the origins and necessity for quantum computation
• Understanding the relevance and importance for the energy & utility sectors
• Understanding how to act effectively
Note – this webinar took place on Wednesday 10 March 2021.
Since its inception in 2017, Mark Mattingley-Scott has been a leading member of IBM’s Quantum Ambassador team, responsible for raising awareness of Quantum Computing and developing business opportunities throughout EMEA. In 2019 he became Quantum Ambassador Leader for EMEA, then added AP in 2020, and became IBM Quantum Business Leader for DACH in 2020.
Mark currently teaches human & machine learning and quantum computing at the Institute for Cognitive Science at the University of Osnabrück and quantum computing at the Kirchoff Institute at the University of Heidelberg. He was a member of staff at the University of Frankfurt where he taught Cognitive Science and Media Anthropology, at the University of Applied Sciences in Mannheim where he taught Intercultural Management, and at the Ludwig-Maximilian’s University in Munich where he taught Advanced Statistics & Analytical Methods.
Mark Mattingley-Scott has a Bachelor of Science with Joint Honours in Computing and Electronics, and a Doctor of Philosophy on the subject of Code Division Multiple Access Local Area Networks from the University of Durham, combined with 36 years of experience in the commercial exploitation of technology and research.