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This white paper, written by a Pangea SI Expert, provides in-depth insight into green hydrogen and the market drivers solidifying its potential as the investment opportunity of our generation.
In this hydrogen white paper you will learn about:
• The political agenda and funding for green hydrogen
• Green hydrogen’s project finance investment opportunities
• The transitioning of blue hydrogen to green hydrogen
• Funding through Covid-19 economic recovery plans
• Technology acquisition considerations
• FCEVs versus BEVs and other industry applications
The value of the hydrogen sector in Europe today is estimated to be €2 billion. By 2030 this is expected to grow to become a staggering €140 billion. That is a compound annual growth rate in excess of 50%. It is speculated that 140,000 jobs will also be created along the way.
Green hydrogen will be crucial to this economic impact. Furthermore, it has a major role in addressing ‘the main challenge of our generation’.
If you want to explore commercial opportunities within hydrogen or overcome specific technical issues, we have a bench of leading hydrogen experts on hand to help. The direct consulting engagements with Pangea SI Experts have resulted in investment returns worth millions of dollars for our clients.